to head up - to lead or manage a team, department, organization, etc., arrogant - proud in an unpleasant way and behaving as if you are better or more important than other people, overconfidence - the quality of being too certain of your abilities or of your chances of success, confused - unable to think clearly or to understand something, to be keen to - very interested, eager, or wanting (to do) something very much, to be aware of sth - to know that sth exists or to have knowledge or experience of a particular thing, to come along - to develop or improve, bond - a close connection joining two or more people, to have sth in common with sb - to share interests, experiences, or other characteristics with someone or something, to touch base - to talk to someone for a short time to find out how they are or what they think about something,

Business Partner B1 Unit 1.3



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