1) What color is the moon a) White b) Gray c) Black d) Dharman (wait what) e) Green f) Rainbow 2) Who is this a) Girl b) Girlfriend c) Idk d) Boy e) Boyfriend f) Link 3) Where is is the mistake? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 a) there's 2 is b) theres no mistake c) idk d) 1-4 e) 4-8 f) 8-12 4) this isnt good!!! a) huh b) what is not good c) bruh d) this is a quiz not a story based game wth e) what f) your F in all subjects ain't good ik 5) theres a black hole thats gonna consume THE EARTH!!! a) bro im not dumb you liar b) OH GOD WE GOTTA GO TO THE NASA SPACE SHIPS c) thats cool d) OMG e) can we go to another planet then?!!!!!?!?!? f) OH NO 6) *dies* a) :) b) D: c) :( d) >:) e) >:D f) D:< 7) ?: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH a) who are you b) *you have left the server* 8) god of six: I AM GOD OF SIX a) why are you doing this b) have you done something like this before 9) god of six: I am here to get what is left of my kind, AND I HAVE DONE THIS TO 218,391,503,123 PLANETS, STARS, AND UNIVERSES COMBINED a) OH NO b) I WILL SAVE THE DAY! *hits guy, and fails and dies* c) WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY 10) god of six: hahahhah! WAIT.... (i-iiim not dea-ddd.) HOW ARE YOU ALIVE (ha-aaaha) a) wait WHAT b) yay hes here to save the day! 11) TO BE CONTINUED a) yay b) yas queen c) thats amazing d) okay e) awesome f) cool

The Impossible Quiz!



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