Achashverosh told Vashti to come to his party., Vashti said "no" and was removed., Achashverosh needed a new queen and chose Esther who was Jewish., Mordechai would not bow down to Haman. , Haman wanted to kill all the Jews., Mordechai saved the king's life by reporting a plot against him., The king rewarded Mordechai. He got to wear the kings robes and ride his horse through the town., Mordechai told Esther that only she could save the Jews., Esther threw two tea parties for the king and Haman., Esther told the king Haman wanted to kill her and her people., Haman was hanged on the gallows he had made to kill Mordechai, Esther wrote down the events and it was declared to be a holiday on the 14th of Adar!.

מורה מירי The Purim Story


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