1) According to scripture what day is the Shabbat on? a) The 7th day  b) 1st day c) any day you choose 2) Who created the Shabbath day, made it qodesh (holy) and santified it?  a) YAHWEH b) man c) The messengers 3) Why is the Shabbat day important to our Father YAHWEH? a) It is kingdom behavior  b) ELOHIM followed it Himself c) Its how ELOHIM marks His people d) All of the above 4) Who is the Shabbat for?  a) The Jewish people only b) Any one who joins themself to ELOHIM 5) Abraham, Issac and Jacob were not Jews and were commanded to kept the Shabbat why? a) It is the 4th Commandment that is forever b) It kingdom behavior c) The Father YAHWEH commands it for all d) Not one jot or title of the Law is not done away with  e) It is how YAHWEH marks His followers f) All of the above 6) YAHWEH has holy days in Leviticus 23. Satan likes to covet what our Father YAHWEH does. Satan has holidays. What should we follow?  a) Passover;The feast of unleavened bread/ Matstsoth b) First Fruits; Yom Kippurim/ Day of Atonement c) Day of trumpets; Sukkot d) Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter  e) A, B, and C 7) Why is following holidays wrong? a) It is a deception of satan. b) The holidays are tied to following other gods called paganism.  c) It goes against the Father YAHWEH commands d) You should serve our ELOHIM YAHWEH, YESHUA, and the RUACH HA' QODESH only e) All of the above 8) Why do we no longer have to do animal sacrafices? a) Because we no longer have animals b) YESHUA is the ultimate sacrifice that died once and for all for those who follow YAHWEH's commandments  9) Did YESHUA follow the Shabbat? a) YES; We see this in Luke 4:16. YESHUA rebuked the Pharisees because of their man-made traditions.  b) NO; He didn't have to 10) What are some of the 7th day Shabbat requirements? a) No work; No kindling fire; no cooking; Eat your food cold b) No buying or selling c) Not finding your own pleasure nor thinking your own thoughts d) No speaking your own words e) No anger f) All of the above 11) Why was YESHUA accused by the Pharisees of breaking the Shabbat?  a) They placed man-made traditions of the oral law (man- made doctrine) over YAHWEH's law: YESHUA had to be following the Shabbat to be accused of breaking the Shabbat falsely! b) Man made laws superseeds everything 12) How do we know YESHUA followed the Shabbat? a) YESHUA never transgressed the Torah; YESHUA is the living Torah b) YESHUA was obedient to the Father's Word c) The Shabbat is an everlasting law forever d) YESHUA said until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished. e) In Isaiah 66: 22-23 we will still follow the Shabbat when YESHUA comes back to reign. f) All of the above 13) What is the penalty for following other gods (elohim)? a) Visiting the iniquities upon the children and the children's children to the third and fourth generation.  b) Generational curses c) Satan becomes your Father (The Father of lies and lawlessness) d) YESHUA will say ‘I never knew you! Get away from me, you workers of lawlessness! e) Spiritual death (Cut off from Elohim) f) All of the above 14) Satan is lawless. How is he deceiving the whole world? a) By convincing man the law is done away with b) Deceiving man just like he did Eve in the garden trying to get her to break YAHWEH's law c) Replacing the truth with lies d) Replacement theology doctrine of man e) All of the above 15) How can a believer of our Father YAHWEH know the truth? a) Showing themself approved by reading scripture b) Testing the spirit in 1 John:4 c) Take everything to the Father for confirmation d) Seek the Father's face through prayer and fasting e) All of the Above 16) Who changed the Shabbat day? a) Religion b) The Catholic church c) men influenced by Satan d) A man by the name of Constantine that worshiped the sun e) All of the above 17) Can man make a day qodesh (holy) set-apart? a) Yes b) No; man's authority does not supersede YAHWEH's authority. 18) Where can we find in the book of Jubilees that the Shabbat is kept in the heavens?  a) Jubilees 2:17-18 b) We can't find it 19) Where was the book of Jubilees found that confirms scripture?  a) No where b) Everywhere c) Between 1947 and 1956, approximately 15 Jubilees scrolls were found in five caves at Qumran, all written in Hebrew. 20) How can we test a book? a) We research it to see if it aligns with scripture b) See if it goes against the Torah c) Pray to YAHWEH for understanding d) test the spirit behind the book e) All of the above 21) When does the Shabbat Day start? a) At sunset on Friday evening to Saturday evening b) Evening to Evening was established in Genesis 1:5 evening came first then morning after  c) Sunset to Sunset d) All of the above

Shabbat Shalom!


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