AVID - Advancement Via Individual Determination, GPA - Grade Point Average, Dormitory - Place where college students live while attending college, prerequisite - a criteria that must be met before taking a specific course, FASFA - A document prospective students complete to determine eligibility for federal loans and grants. Application that has to be completed to determine financial aid status, Private School - Schools that are not supported by state gov't. Many are supported by religious organizations , Public School - Schools that are supported by state government., Bachelor's degree - A four year college degree, Master's degree - A college degree that is above the bachelor's degree, Doctoral degree - The highest degree of the college degree, Associate degree - The lowest of the college degrees normally a 2-year degree, Out-of-State Residence - Students that are not high school graduates of specific state college, In-State Residence - Students that are high school graduates of specific state college , Tuition - The amount of money it cost to attend college, Grant - Free money that does not have to be paid back., Scholarship - Money given to students based off academic or athletic merit, Loan - Money that is borrowed for tuition that has to be paid back, SAT - A college entry examination that is referred to as the Scholastic Aptitude Test, ACT - A college entry examination that is referred to as the American College Test, Campus - The physical buildings and grounds owned by a college or university., Post Secondary School - Any education, whether degree-seeking or not, pursued after high school., Workstudy Program - A program where students have an opportunity to work on campus while attending college, Class Rank - Refers to a student’s standing in comparison with their classmates., Major - The main course of study of the degree that a student is working towards., Transcript - Official record of courses taken and grades earned at a given institution., Room and Board - Term for charges stemming from on-campus food services and housing, AP Classes - Advanced Placement courses are college-level courses taught in high school. Scoring well on the AP exam can mean receiving credit for introductory college courses., PSAT - The Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test acts as both a practice test for students who will be taking the SAT for college admissions and as a way for the Collage Board to determine National Merit Scholarship Finalists.,

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