‘Hansel and Gretel’ follows the story of a brother and sister who must use their cunning to outsmart an evil witch intent on consuming them., In the beginning of the story, a great famine sweeps across the land, leaving little food or resources to spare., Hansel and Gretel’s stepmother leads the children into the woods intent on leaving them there to die., However, when Hansel hears of her plan, he collects a pocket full of white pebbles., He drops them as a trail for he and his sister as their stepmother attempts her plan the next day., When the duo makes their way home, the stepmother decides to take them deeper into the woods., This time Hansel takes a slice of bread with him, leaving a trail of breadcrumbs behind., However, birds eat the crumbs, destroying the trail back., Lost, Hansel and Gretel wander into a clearing, where they find a cottage made of treats., As they eat the house, the elderly woman who lives there invites them inside, where they discover she’s not a generous, old lady after all., She’s a witch with a particular taste for children!.
L2 FS. Narrative of a Story - Ordering Events: Hansel and Gretel
L2 Functional Skills English
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