1) Where do you usually buy your clothes? Why do you buy them there? 2) Do you choose your own clothes? If not, who helps you decide? 3) How much money do you spend on clothes? Have you ever worn hand-me-downs? (= usually clothes from older brothers or sisters) 4) Do you ever buy designer clothes? How important is the image to you? 5) What kind of clothes are in fashion now? Do you think it is important to wear fashionable clothes? 6) Have you ever bought second-hand clothes? Why or why not? What are the pros and cons? 7) How much time do you spend getting ready to go to school/work/ party with friends? 8) What’s the most expensive piece of clothing you have ever bought? 9) Is there a dress code at school or at work? Talk about it. 10) Do you ever read fashion magazines? If so, what’s your favourite? 11) In what way does your grandmother or grandfather dress differently from you? 12) What is the traditional dress where you live? Is it comfortable? Do you ever wear it?


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