Do you like dogs?, Do you have any cats?, My friend went to a summer camp with horses!, I think foxes are cute., I cried when I fell on the sidewalk., My father is named Juan., She used the ladle to put the soup into bowls., The baby sleeps in a cradle., Who has travelled the farthest?, The highest mountain in New York state is called Mount Marcy., Do you like to go running?, I can't wait until my friends and I start driving., Tinkerbelle is a fairy., We need to clean the house because it is dusty., I think math is harder than social studies., Our summer vacation is longer than our winter break., She was acting very motherly toward her children., Let's clean up quickly., Do you like to eat shrimp?, Our science teacher is Mr. Schumer., Sunflowers thrive in the summer., A thrush is a type of bird., Do you prefer to sprint or run long distances?, I like spring better than winter., Do you like to splash your friends in the pool?, Let's split the last slice of pie., Can someone please scratch my back?, Please scrub the dishes after you eat., That was a strange rain storm!, I like to play in the stream near my house., My baby brother likes to squeeze his teddy bear., A square is a shape with four equal sides., I go to school every day.,
1R Easy Word Beginnings and Suffixes
2nd Grade
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