relieve - British workers do little or nothing at all to ………. work stress., maintaining - they don't prioritise getting the stress relief that is so important for ……………….. good mental health, escaping - taking some me time and …………….. from the stresses and strains of today's busy lifestyles. , expectancy - Japanese women have the longest life ………., with an average lifespan of 86.8 years., hectic - It helps to recharge and rebalance in ……. cities,", ambient - You get decompress and relax, with massage chairs, napping pods and ……. music to accompany your drink., boosting - Health benefits include ……. the immune system and supporting healthy bacteria in the gut., threatening - Thanks to the recycled air and high levels of CO2 in our gyms, our indoor fitness sessions may be …….. our wellbeing too!, overtake - It is predicted that average running speeds will …… vehicle speeds in London - but you'll save money and get fit. , reduces - meditation and visualization techniques designed to bring you into the 'alpha brainwave. state - which boosts creativity and …….depression, trigger - "Over time, particularly when you feel stressed. your mind and body will naturally …….. this response to bring you back to balanced state.,



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