True: No one can be saved except through faith in Jesus Christ, Everything God does is just and right., God does not hide the fact that He exists and that we should seek Him., God’s children are to tell others about Jesus so they may come to Him and be saved., False religions are not another way to the same God., God is offended when people worship idols and live for themselves., It is not enough to believe that Jesus was merely a good example and teacher., There are many good examples and excellent teachers, but no one but Jesus can save us. , All other good teachers, moral leaders, and wise men are also sinful., Because Jesus is both God and man, only He can bring us to God., False: If you sincerely follow different religions, you will be saved., A person is saved if they come from a good Christian family., Not everyone has a conscience so they do not know they are doing wrong., Everyone has their own belief of what is wrong, so they should only be judged on what they believe., Sincerely following any religion is enough to be saved., Human achievement and fame should be worshipped. , It is enough to believe that Jesus was merely a good example and teacher., Jesus was just a good teacher, a moral leader, or a wise man., Going to church or Bible study is enough to be saved., Our good karma must out weigh our bad karma to be saved.,
MS/HS Lesson 20 Live Differently: Basic Truth 14: Is Jesus the Only Savior?
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