Social Thinking - The process of thinking your own thoughts and about the thoughts and feelings of others., Thoughts - They live inside our minds and are closely connected to feelings. Completely invisible and silent, but can be very powerful. Some you hardly notice, but some seem really big at times. , Feelings - Physical sensations in our bodies that seem to pop up on their own. Another word for "emotions"., Senses - They take in information and send invisible signals to our brains about what's going on around us. We have five of these., Hidden Rules (of a Situation) - Unspoken expectations based on context. These can be different from one setting to another and change as you get older and more mature., Social File or Social Memory - Specific information stored in our brains about another person to help us remember things about that person and to figure out what the other person likes to do and talk about.,

Social Thinking Part III



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