Where is your hometown? What was it like growing up there?, What do you like most about living where you live?, What kinds of things can visitors to your hometown go and see?, Do you live in an apartment or a house? Who do you live there with?, What is your favorite subject?, What is your favourite room in your apartment/house?, Is it noisy where you live?, What can you see from the windows in your apartment/house? , If you could change anything about your apartment/house, what would you change?, What job would you like when you have completed all your studies?, Is being late acceptable in your culture? , Are you ever late for appointments? , How do you feel when someone is late for an appointment with you?, Do you enjoy cooking? , What type of things can you cook?, What kinds of food are popular in your country?, Is it an important part of your culture to have dinner parties? , Do you prefer to eat with other people or on your own?, Do you often remember your dreams?, Do you think we can learn anything from dreams? , Which do you prefer reading, newspapers or magazines? , What type of stories do you like to read about? , Do you think reading a magazine or a newspaper can help you learn a language?, Are museums popular in your country?, Did you visit museums when you were a child?, Do you like to visit museums nowadays?, Do you think you should pay to visit museums?, Do you like to go on holiday by the sea?, Is it a nuisance if people use mobiles in public places such as trains and buses?, On what special occasions do people give flowers in your country?, Does the weather affect the way that you feel?, Do people like to talk about the weather in your country?, What do you often do in the evenings?, What sort of accommodation would you like to live in?.

IELTS speaking 1



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