Vindictive - revengeful or hateful, Cache - a hiding place for stoning or concealing provisions or valuables, Reluctant - unwilling to do what one is being called to do, Egocentric - caring only about oneself or one's needs, Undermine - to subvert in an underhanded way, Prevalent - widespread in a particular area or at a particular time, Wizened - withered or dry, especially with age, Jeopardize - to put in jeopardy or at risk, Remiss - lacking care or attention to duty, Lexicon - the vocabulary used in a language, profession, class, or subject, Liability - a debt or obligation, Moratorium - a temporary suspension or postponement of a planned activity, Congenial - having a friendly or pleasant disposition, Zephyr - a soft, gentle breeze, Plausible - apparently worthy of belief or praise, Wile - an act or a means of cunning deception, Infallible - not capable of making mistakes, Ubiquitous - present, appearing, or found everywhere, Motif - a recurrent theme or form in an artistic or literary work, Fastidious - paying careful attention to detail,

10th Vocab #8- Definitions


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