1) God Created the heavens (space) a) Day 1 b) Day 2 c) Day 3 2) God named the light day a) Day 1 b) Day 6 c) Day 7 3) The Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters a) Day 1 b) Day 4 c) Day 5 4) God created light a) Day 1 b) Day 2 c) Day 3 5) God named the darkness night a) Day 1 b) Day 6 c) Day 7 6) God divided the light from the darkness a) Day 1 b) Day 4 c) Day 5 7) God created the earth a) Day 1 b) Day 2 c) Day 3 8) God named the firmament heaven a) Day 2 b) Day 7 c) Day 1 9) God created the firmament (earth’s atmosphere) a) Day 2 b) Day 5 c) Day 6 10) God divided the waters above and below the atmosphere a) Day 2 b) Day 3 c) Day 4 11) God named the dry land earth a) Day 3 b) Day 1 c) Day 2 12) God created fruit trees a) Day 3 b) Day 6 c) Day 7 13) God divided the waters from the dry land a) Day 3 b) Day 4 c) Day 5 14) God created herb yielding seeds a) Day 3 b) Day 1 c) Day 2 15) God named the gathering of the waters seas a) Day 3 b) Day 6 c) Day 7 16) God created grass a) Day 3 b) Day 4 c) Day 5 17) God created the sun a) Day 4 b) Day 2 c) Day 3 18) God pronounced the reason for the celestial lights a) Day 4 b) Day 1 c) Day 7 19) God created the moon a) Day 4 b) Day 5 c) Day 6 20) God created the stars a) Day 4 b) Day 3 c) Day 5 21) God created sea creatures a) Day 5 b) Day 1 c) Day 2 22) God created flying creatures a) Day 5 b) Day 6 c) Day 7 23) God established law (forbidden fruit) a) Day 6 b) Day 4 c) Day 5 24) God created the beasts of the earth a) Day 6 b) Day 2 c) Day 3 25) God created man and woman a) Day 6 b) Day 7 c) Day 1 26) God gave man dominion over the earth and it’s creatures a) Day 6 b) Day 4 c) Day 5 27) God pronounced the diet for man and beast a) Day 6 b) Day 2 c) Day 3 28) God created creeping things a) Day 6 b) Day 7 c) Day 1 29) God rested a) Day 7 b) Day 5 c) Day 6 30) God sanctified the Sabbath a) Day 7 b) Day 3 c) Day 4 31) God blessed the Sabbath a) Day 7 b) Day 1 c) Day 2

Creation week


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