agricultural innovations: biotechnology, genetically modified organisms, aquaculture, environmental impacts of agricultural innovations: soil usage, reductions in biodiversity, extensive fertilizer use, extensive pesticide use, water usage, individual food choice movements: urban farming, community-supported agriculture, organic farming, value-added specialty crops, such as hot carrot pickles or jerky, fair trade, local food/eating locally/"locavorism", dietary shifts, such as a change in the amount of meat or dairy consumed, challenges of feeding a global population: lack of access to food, such as food insecurity or living in a "food desert", problems with food distribution, such as infrastructure issues or politics, adverse (unfavorable or problematic) weather, changes in land use, such as by surburbanization, impact on food-production practices: location of food-processing facilities relative to source of inputs and where product will be sold, location of markets, or where products will be sold, economies of scale, such as supranational organizations (EU) or economic advantages of large corporations, government policies, such as subsidies to farmers or laws requiring labeling of certain products, distribution systems, such as whether food is sold to the general public via retailers or sold to institutions, which can impact things like packaging (i.e. milk in small cartons in schools),
5.11 Challenges of Contemporary Agriculture
9th Grade
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