Evidence - property related to a crime that may tend to prove or disprove a person's involvement, Safekeeping - property having no evidenciary value , acquired at crime scenes, which cannot be immediately returned to its owner, Found Property - property with no evidenciary value that was lost or abandoned and is not known or suspected to be part of a criminal offence, Lost and Found - eyeglasses, keys, keychains etc. that are only of value to the rightful owner, Property for Destruction - property a citizen or officer has turned in and asked to have destroyed, The Big Three - money, drugs, guns/weapons, evidence documentation - includes the location at the scene, date of collection, who collected it, sealable plastic bags - used to package dry, inorganic materials, paper packaging - used to package plant materials, organic items, and damp items, heat seal packaging - used for odd shaped or large items,

Types of Property Items and proper storage


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