apportionment - the process of determining how many representatives will be in the U.S. House of Representatives based on state’s population, census - a counting of the population conducted every ten years, judicial activism - the practice of issuing judicial rulings that affect national policies, judicial restraint - the practice of refraining from making judicial rulings related to social or political issues, lobbying - the process of working to influence the decisions of political leaders, gerrymandering - the process of creating political districts that give one political party a majority in that territory, sometime resulting in very oddly-shaped districts, civic responsibility - active participation in the public life of a community in an informed, committed, and constructive manner, with a focus on the common good. Examples include voting, jury duty, volunteering, protest, and running for office., redistricting - to set up new district lines after reapportionment is complete, civics - the study or science of the privileges and obligations of citizens, policy - actions or procedures approved by the government, revenue - income raised by the government, expenditure - costs incurred by the government, regulations - standards and rules set by the government, fiscal policy - government procedures that relate to spending and collection of revenue, monetary policy - government procedures that relate to the supply of money, foreign aid - monetary assistance given to other countries, federal reserve - the central banking system of the United States, free enterprise - the opportunity to control one’s own economic decisions, entrepreneur - people who start new businesses, antitrust - legislation preventing or controlling trusts or other monopolies, with the intention of promoting competition in business., copyright - the exclusive right to publish and sell a literary, musical, or artistic work for a specified period of time, Affirmative Action - policies that give preference to women or minorities for jobs, promotions, admission to schools, or other benefits, in order to make up for past or current discrimination,
Government 2nd/4th 9 weeks Vocabulary
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