1) The____________________ standard example of a great book-to-film adaptation is Gone with the Wind. a) textbook b) classic c) standard 2) One example that immediately ______________________ to mind is The Hunger Games. a) springs b) jumps c) comes 3) To ____________________ just one of many examples, The Life of Pi was successful both as a book and as a film. a) make b) give c) mention 4) An example that you might be __________________ with is, of course, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. a) familiar b) conscious c) informed 5) A/an _______________________________ example of a publishing phenomenon is Fifty Shades of Grey. a) prime b) known c) obvious 6) Hannibal Lector is a _____________________ example of a character that comes alive on screen. a) superb b) striking c) strong 7) Let me give you a __________________ example of what I’m talking about. a) specific b) concrete c) material 8) Jaws is ____________________ as an example of a good book-to film adaptation a) famous b) considered c) held up 9) Let me give you a/an ____________________ example. a) supplementary b) further c) added 10) She illustrates her argument with examples drawn / taken / selected from classic nineteenth century novels. a) drawn b) taken c) selected

MyClass Advanced films or books collocations with the word 'example'



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