1) A positive (11mm induration) TB skin test with normal CXR indicates:  a) WFM is confirmed to have active TB disease b) WFM likely had been exposed to TB infection or may had BCG vaccine as a child c) WFM will need to get a TB blood test (IGRA) to confirm d) WFM is immune to TB 2) For pre-placement, WFM had a documented BCG vaccine, what is the most appropriate TB test to order? a) QuantiFERON Gold Plus blood test (IGRA) b) CXR  c) TB skin test d) No test need, WFM is immune to TB with BCG vaccine 3) When measuring TST results: a) Measure the redness and the induration b) Measure the blister and the redness c) Measure only the induration in mm d) Measure only the induration in cm 4) For pre-placement, IGRA resulted positive, the CXR must be ordered: a) 8-10 weeks after IGRA blood was drawn b) Before the IGRA blood test c) CXR not needed since WFM had BCG vaccine d) After date of IGRA blood test 5) WFM reported history of TB, EHS should ask: a) If WFM has a history of positive TST? b) Would the WFM like a BCG vaccine? c) Did WFM complete TB treatment & a negative CXR after completed treatment? d) What country is the WFM from? 6) Which section of Form C's medical questionnaire must be reviewed and documented for Pre-Placement to clear WFM for TB? a) TB Screening (Symptoms) b) TB History c) Individual TB Risk Assessment d) All of the above e) None of the above 7) When assessing individual risk assessment for TB, which factor(s) is/are considered to be high risk?  a) Living/staying in a country with high TB rate 1 month or more b) Currently or planned immunosuppression medications c) Close contact with an active TB patient d) All of the above e) None of the above 8) DHS policy states All WFMS shall be screened for TB: a) Annually (higher TB risk factors identified) b) Post TB Exposure c) Prior to employment or assignment d) All of the above 9) A 2-step TST is performed. A "boosted" reaction occurs when: a) 1st TST result = negative & 2nd TST result = positive b) 1st TST result = negative & 2nd TST result = negative c) 1st TST result = negative, 2nd resulted = negative, 3rd TST result = positive d) 1st result = positive with 20mm induration and blisters 10) A positive IGRA result means WFM: a) Has received the BCG vacccine b) TB infection is likely when WFM is asymptomatic c) TB infection is unlikely when WFM is asymptomatic d) Has active TB disease; notify DPH immediately 11) After administering the TST, the injection site:  a) Should be covered with a bandaid b) Requires pressure applied until the "wheal" disappears c) Should be opened to air d) Should be scratched whenever it itches 12) Which vaccine(s) should be given after the TST test? a) Live vaccines: Measle, Mumps, Rubella, Varicella (MMRV) b) Infuenza c) Hepatitis C d) HIV vaccine e) All of the above 13) When a WFM is found to have a "boosted" positive result from the 2-step TST, EHS staff will a) Order baseline CXR b) Provider will encourage & refer WFM to PCP for treatment c) Perform a 3rd TST d) A & C only e) A & B only 14) WFM (with a previous negative IGRA result) reported to EHS for post-TB exposure with no symptoms, EHS staff will a) Order IGRA immediately & retest in 8-10 wks if negative b) Order TST & retest in 8-10 months c) Order CXR for comparison d) Refer WFM to PCP for immediate PEP treatment 15) QuantiFERON Gold Plus resulted as "Indeterminate" for the WFM's pre-placement, EHS staff should: a) Clear the WFM for work b) Order CXR stat; Indeterminate means WFM has TB disease c) May need to order another IGRA test d) Refer to PCP for LTBI treatment e) Perform a TST

TB training post-test


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