PLENTY - Dominant 5 (palm down) on top of non-dominant S (thumb-side) up (and thumb tucked in. 5 hand slides forward while fingers wiggle., STARBUCKS - Both 8 (pointing up) fingertips touch then flick open to Open 8, twice., SODA - Middle finger of dominant Open 8 (palm down) touches non-dominant S (thumb-side up) then Open 8 changes to 5 & moves down landing on top of S hand., CANDY - Dominant 1 (palm out) index finger touches cheek & wrist rotates until palm faces down, repeat twice., FREEZE - Both 5 (palms down) in front of waist change to Claw 5 hands., PEPPER - Dominant F (palm down) shakes up and down gently., CUP - Dominant C (thumb-side up) sits on palm of non-dominant Open B (palm up) then C moves upward slightly., PREPARE - Both B (thumb-sides up) in front of waist then push toward dominant side of waist, repeat once., LETTUCE - Dominant Bent B heel of hand taps against the side of head., SANDWICH - Both Bent B (palms in) fingertips point at mouth with non-dominant Bent B fingertips on top of dominant Bent B fingertips., SOUP - The Dominat U handshape, palm up, rest on the non dominat open B hand, palm up. The dominate U hand moves up towards the mouth, palm stays up, and then back down to the non dominat hand., ORANGE - Dominant S (palm in) under chin repeatedly opens and closes slightly., BEER - Dominant B (palm out) touches cheek then makes tiny forward circles., TOMATO - Non-dominant O (palm down) in front of chest. Dominant 1 (palm out) touches lips then moves downward brushing against fingertips of O hand., HOTDOG - Both C Hands, palm facing down change into S hands and then move away from each other towards opposite sides of the body as the open back to C hands and close again to S hands., POTATO - The Dominate Bent V, palm facing down, taps the back of the non dominate S handshape. palm down, PORK - The dominate S hand palm facing down under the chin flips open to an Open 5 Handshape, COOK - Borh hands are open B handshapes. The Non Dominate hand is palm up with the dominate hand palm down touching. The dominate hand them moves up flips over and come back down on the Non dominat hand. The dominate hand repeates this motion several times., BACON - Both U handshapes, palm facing down, move away from each other in a wavy motion., NAPKIN - The Dominate 4 handshape, palm in wipes down on either side on the mouth, BEANS - The fingertips of Closed X touches back of non-dominant 1 (palm down) fingertip and X makes tiny bouncing movement along 1 finger., SALT - The V handshape dominate hand palm down, rest on theThe non domiante U hand palm facing down and the fingers of the V alternate tapping, BEST - The open B hand palm in touches the center of the chin and moves to the sign and UP as it changes to an Open A, MELT - Each closed 6 Hand plams facing up has the pinky finger slide from the pinky to the index finger while using the NMM TH, GUM - The Bent V handshape is on the side of the cheek, palm in, fingertips touching, and do not move away from the cheek, the fingers them bend and release while the mouth makes a chewing motion.,
Food List 4 & 5
American Sign Langauge
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