Gwers - Lesson, Gwersi - Lessons, Llinell - Line, Llinellau - Lines, Nos Galan - New Year's Eve, Taith - Journey, Teithiau - Journeys, Awdur - Author, Awduron - Authors, Dant - Tooth, Dannedd - Teeth, Dewis - Choice, Dewisiadau - Choices, Llyfergellydd - Librarian, Wyneb - Face, Anghofio - To Forget, Archebu - To Order, Trafod - To Discuss, Ysgrifennu - To Write, Annwyl - Dear, Buan - Soon, Rhyfedd - Strange/Funny, Bobl Bach! - Good Grief, Hyn - This, Llyfergellwyr - Librarians, Wynebau - Faces,

Mynediad Un - Uned 15


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