Aquifer - A permeable layer of rock and sediment that contains groundwater, Saltwater Intrusion - An infiltration of salt water in an area where groundwater pressure has been reduced from extensive drilling of wells, Gray water - Wastewater from baths, showers, bathroom sinks and washing machines, Tragedy of the commons - You know this one! My favorite!, Industrial agriculture - Agriculture that applies the techniques of mechization and standardization to the production of food, Green Revolution - Shift in agricultural practices, Monocropping - An agricultural method that utilizes large platnings of a single species or variety, Bycatch - The unintentional catch of nontarget species while fishing, Sustainable agriculture - Agriculture that fufills needs while enhaving soil quality, minimizing use of nonrenewable reosurces, and allowing economic viability, Agroforestry - An Agricultural technique in which trees and vegestables are intercropped, Turbine - Adevice that can be turned by water, steam, or wind to produce power, Energy Conservation - finding and implementing ways to use less energy, Point Source - A distinct location from which pollution is directly produced, nonpoint source - a diffuse area that produces pollution, Indicator Species - A species that indicates whether or not disease-casuing pathogens are likely to be present, Septic Tank - A large container that recieves wastewater from a house as part of a septic system, Sludge - Solid waste material from wastewater, Thermal pollution - When human activites cause substantial change in the temperature of water, Haze - Reduced visibility, Asbestos - My favorite word to say!, Epidemic - A situation in which a pathogen cause a rapid increase in disease, Pandemic - An Epidemic that occurs over a large geographic region, LD50 - Lethal dose of a chemical that kills 50% of individuals , Bioaccumulation - An increased concentration of a chemical within an organism over time, Biomagnification - The increase in chemical concentration in animal tissues as the chemical moves up the food chain, Lacey Act - A U.S. act that prohibits interstate shipping of all illegally harvested plants and animals, Endangered Species - Aspecies that is in danger of extinction, Global warming - The warming of the oceans, land masses, and atmosphere of earth, Well being - The status of being healthy, hapy, and prosperous, United Nations - global institution dedicated to promoting dialogue among contries with the goal of maintaining world peace, World health Organization - WHO, Environmental Protection Agency - EPA,


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