Dos: Understand your audience and what they may or may not believe about the group in need. Be on the hunt for misconceptions that you need to clear up to reach into the hearts of donors., Outline your speech so there is a clear beginning, middle, and end with two-to-three statements you want your audience to remember. The statements should be short (but powerful) and are most impactful when embedded in the speech a few times., Begin with high energy but take your audience on an emotional journey. Make them laugh. Make them misty-eyed. Make them understand. Make them FEEL. And make them BELIEVE change is possible…with their help., Remind your guests how important they are and how much their contribution, no matter how small, matters to someone who is genuinely in need., Explain why your campaign started and where it is going with the help of donors., Tell listeners what will happen immediately after receiving their gifts (for the people who receive your services). For example, “The funds we raise tonight will immediately put to work by purchasing 12 bunk beds, 50 backpacks with basic school supplies, etc.”, Don'ts: Be long-winded and give a very long speech (8min +!), Make too many points. Four or fewer is best if you want to make an impact (and want your audience to remember what you’ve said!), Be aimless in your storytelling. Make sure everything in your talk connects from beginning to end, Use slides with bullet points that you read aloud., Use pictures of people that are displaying are trite, cliché, or outdated perceptions of a particular demographic.,

How to give a good fundraising speech Dos and Don'ts



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