1) What is more important? Talking to a coworker or helping a customer? a) Talking to a coworker b) Helping a customer 2) How should you react when a new manager wants something done differently? a) Ask if you can do it the old way b) Tell your manager you do not want to do the task c) Be flexible and accept the new manager's change 3) You are tired after your last work task. How long of a break is it okay to take before starting the next one? a) Ten minutes b) One minute 4) What should you do if you run out of the supplies you need to do your work?  a) Ask a manager or co-worker if there are more b) Wait for someone else to get what you need c) Don't tell anyone 5) What should you do if you start having trouble with a work task? a) Ask someone else to do it for you b) Problem solve to figure out a solution yourself c) Stop doing the task 6) You like to work alone, but your coworker is there to help finish a task faster. Is this okay? a) No, you should finish the task alone. b) Yes, accepting help from a team member is great. 7) What should you do if you are trying to do a task, but a coworker keeps talking to you? a) Tell them you will finish the conversation later b) Keep talking to them; the task can wait for later c) Do the task while you are talking to them 8) You realize you forgot to clock in this morning. What should you do? a) Don't tell anyone b) Just clock in now; it's okay if you don't get paid for all of your work c) Ask your manager to fix the time you clocked in in the computer 9) You have a doctor's appointment and need to take time off of work. What should you do?  a) Put in a time off request or tell your boss ahead of time b) Don't tell your boss and hope you don't get scheduled that day c) Tell your boss the day before that you can't work d) Ask someone if they can work your shift for you 10) You usually sit at a certain table during your lunch break, but someone else is sitting there. What should you do?  a) Ask the person to move b) Sit somewhere else c) Tell them that is your seat 11) You spill a drink at work. What should you do? a) Leave it there b) Find something to clean up the spill c) Ask someone to clean it up for you 12) You finished all of your work tasks but you still have 20 minutes left of your shift. What should you do? a) Do nothing and wait until your shift is over b) Clock out and leave early c) Go on your phone d) Ask your manager if there is anything else you need to do 13) How do you know when you are scheduled to work? a) Look at your work schedule b) Ask a coworker 14) You see a closed box of donuts on the break room table. What should you do? a) Eat one of the donuts b) Ask a coworker if they know if they are for everyone c) Open the box to see if any have been taken 15) The delivery truck at work just arrived and you need to help put items away. What should you put away first? a) Diapers b) Crackers c) Paper plates d) Ice cream

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