AVID - Advancement Via Individual Determination, TRF - a tutorial request form, difference between a TRF and a tutorial? - The sequence: A TRF is done before a tutorial as the necessary pre-work so that the tutorial can be successful., AVID student with organization? - Planner and binder, keep fnt - because the focused notes need to be revised and studied later as a learning tool, socratic seminar - when a group of students engage in dialogue about a common topic or text, GPA - Grade Point Average, All group members must present during the tutorial in order to receive full credit for the day. - False, 4.0 GPA - all A's, Costa's Questions Level 1 (remember/show understanding) - Define the term “diplomacy.”, Costa's Questions Level 2 (use understanding/examine/create) - Compare the 3 branches of government., Costa's Questions Level 3 (decide/supportive evidence) - Write a new poem that reflects the theme of patriotism., Types of Notes - Interactive notebooks, Take notes - take notes and organize, Process notes - Underline, highlight, circle, key ideas, Connect thinking - connect to prior learning, Summarize and reflect - Answer question and reflect, Apply learning - Use notes as a tool for learning, Who is responsible for the success of a Socratic Seminar? - All participants,
AVID 1 Exam Study Guide
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