Addition - Adding, Subtraction - minus, Multiplication - multiply, Division - dividing, # cubed - # /\3, Equal - =, Variable - a, b, c, d, e, goes on. Used in algebra, Greater than - >, Less than - <, Unequal - = with a \, Infinite - ∞, Square root - √, Acute Angle - 1-89 degrees, Right Angle - Exactly 90 degrees, Obtuse - 91-179 degrees, Triangle - 3 angles all equal to 180 degrees, Square - 4 angles all equal to 360 degrees, Power - /\ #, Coordinate Graph - Has two number lines.(x and y axis), Pentagon - 5 angles and is a shape, Circle - No angles and is a shape, Equation - 1+5x=4, Expression - 8-3y, Parenthesis - (<--- and --->),



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