three - What is the value of the 3 in the following number? 123. 045, three tenths - What is the value of the 3 in the following number? 2,094.307, three thousands - What is the value of the 3 in the following number? 803,125.1, thirty thousand - What is the value of the 3 in the following number? 5,932,045.09, three thousandths - What is the value of the 3 in the following number? 2,056.023, one million - What is the value of the 1 in the following number? 1,092,467.04, one hundredth - What is the value of the 1 in the following number? 3,872.013, one hundred thousand - What is the value of the 1 in the following number? 2,134,987, one tenth - What is the value of the 1 in the following number? 2,034.197, two hundredths - What is the value of the 2 in the following number? 4,987.02, two hundreds - What is the value of the 2 in the following number? 3,267.001, two thousands - What is the value of the 2 in the following number? 123,087.034, two thousandths - What is the value of the 2 in the following number? 194,087.012, seven hundreds - What is the value of the 7 in the following number? 98,723.4, seventy thousand - What is the value of the 7 in the following number? 176,082.09, seven million - What is the value of the 7 in the following number? 7,092,004.896,
5.NBT.1- Place Value Match
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