1) What are context clues? a) multiple meaning words b) hints that an author gives to help define difficult or unusual words c) ways to use punctuation d) hidden work meanings 2) When a word's or phrase's meaning is explained immediately after its use it is a... a) Punctuation Help b) Contrast/Antonym Clue c) Inference/General Context Clue d) Restatement/Synonym Clue e) Direct Definition/Explanation Clue 3) With so many chores to do, Quinn knew that going to the movie was a colossal mistake. Colossal means... a) tiny b) frightening c) very large d) minor 4) Soon people gave the cats so much reverence that they were worshipped as gods. Reverence means... a) deep respect b) good food c) great power d) kitty litter 5) Young children often mimic the behavior of their older brothers and/or sisters. Mimic means... a) tattle on b) applaud c) cry about d) copy 6) My coach is so fastidious. It seems like no matter how hard we work, he is never pleased. Fastidious means... a) fun loving and happy b) concerned about accuracy/details c) skatterbrained d) slow as a sloth 7) The spot on Martha's new dress was minuscule, but she acted like it was the size of Mt. Rushmore. Minuscule means... a) extremely tiny b) smelly c) huge d) disgusting 8) Siraj was very charitable. He often spent his evenings at homeless shelters serving dinner. Charitable means... a) unkind to those in need b) a cheapskate c) helpful to those in need d) a billionaire 9) When her mom ask if she was dating Luke, Meg skirted the question by pretending she saw a spider. What word can be used to replace skirted?  a) answered b) laughted c) argued d) avoided 10) Amani always has a book in her hand because she reads incessantly. What word/phrase cannot replace incessently?  a) constantly b) rarely c) continually d) non-stop 11) Sometimes a hard word or phrase is resaid in a simple way in the sentence. This type of context clue is... a) Restatement/Synonyn Clue b) Definition/Explanation Clue c) Contrast/Antonym Clue d) Inference/General Context Clue 12) Reggie had to heft the heavy bag of cement onto the platform above his head. Heft means... a) drop b) open c) set d) lift 13) All of her students conspired to give Mrs. Hawkins a surprise birthday party. Which word cannot be used to replace conspired?  a) hoped b) planned c) plotted d) schemed 14) As class president, Harper decreed that ice cream sundaes would be served every Friday in the school cafeteria. Decreed means... a) asked b) ordered c) suggested d) proposed 15) Sweetums is a horrid, little dog that barks and whines all day long. Which word cannot replace horrid in the sentence?  a) nasty b) disagreeable c) lovable d) awful 16) Jane got it into her mind that she could get out of studying for any test just by feigning illness the night before the exam. Which word could replace feigning in the sentence? a) faking b) studying c) hoping d) eating 17) Everyone complained about the insipid taste of the potatoes. What word could replace insipid in this sentence? a) wonderful b) tasteless c) delicious d) exciting 18) Due to his parsimonious nature, Brian constantly borrows movies from the library and copying them, buying day-old bread, and recording music from the radio even though he has plenty of money. a) poor b) rich c) lonely d) cheap 19) The movie star’s large and beautiful home was palatial. What word could replace palatial in this sentence? a) like a barn b) run down c) like a palace d) inexpensive e) boring 20) Glerckspeds should look both ways before crossing the street. What word could replace Glerckspeds in this sentence? a) walkers b) parrots c) chickens d) sleepers e) tornadoes f) glockenspiel

Squindo 6th Grade Context Clues



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