Colors - il-looan, white - ab-yaD, red - aH-mar, orange - burtu-’aanee, yellow - aS-far, green - akh-Dar, purple - banaf-si-gee, black - is-wid, blue - az-ra’, brown - bon-nee, gray - ra-maadee, I take a picture - baKhod Soora, I took a picture - aKhat soora, Dancing - il-ra’S, I read books - ana baKra’ kootib, i am cold - ber-rdana (F), i am hot - her-rana (F), I have a fever - sookhna, body - gism, face - wish, cheek - Khadd, chin - da'n, one eye - 3ain, eyes - 3uoon, nose - ma-na-Kheer, mouth - boo’, throat - zoor, teeth - seenan, tongue - leesan, lips - sha-fayif, ears - we-dan, neck - ra-’aba, ilsama3 - hearing, il ta-zouik - Taste, il-lems - touching, il-nazar - seeing, il-shem - smelling, 7is - Intuition, shee3oor - feeling, 3amel feha mn Banha. - Acting As If He Is From Banha, Dokhool el 7ammam mesh zai khrougo. - Entering A Bathroom Is Not Like Leaving It, Di Kousa - It’s Zucchini, Dafneno sawa - We buried it Together To believe your own lies, it-tikraar yi3allim il-Humaar - Repetition teaches (even) a donkey. (Practice makes perfect.), eHna fil hawa sawa. - We are in the same boat (lit. same air)., il-gahl ni3ma. - Ignorance is bliss (lit. a blessing), deil ik-kalb 3omru mayet3edel - The dog's tail will never straighten out., mi'aTTa3 is-samaka we-delha - A "player," generally used in a negative or disapproving way, though men might sometimes use it in a more positive way., ma3anduuš damm - He has no shame (lit. no blood)., 3ala mahlak - Slowly, take your time; you can say this to a driver to try and get him to slow down., mafiiš fayda - It’s no use, it’s pointless, miš ma3'uul - An expression of astonishment, disbelief, or indignation, like "No way!" It can have other meanings, like "Incredible/great!" "Unbelievable!" "That's horrible!" "How annoying!" Lit. not reasonable., (zayy il-full) - Perfect (lit. like jasmine), (walla yhimmak) - Don't worry, (fil-mišmiš) - Never; when pigs fly. Used to express skepticism about something happening (lit. in the apricot season), (zayy il-'amar) - Beautiful (lit. like the moon), (moot) - A slangy intensifier., (Suura Helwa moot) - an awesome picture, (baHebbak moot) - I love you so much., (ana ta3baana moot) - I'm really tired., (maalak?) - What's wrong with you? What's with you?, I’m hungry. - ena ga-Aaan (ga-Aaana)., I’m thirsty. - ena AT-shaan (AT-shaana), I’m starving - ena Ha-moot min ig-gooA., I need to - laazim aa-kul, I want to drink something. - Aa-wiz (Aaw-za) ash-rab Haa-ga., breakfast - il-fiTaar, lunch - il-ghada, dinner - il-Aasha, snack - taS-beera, salad - sa-laTa, a plate of beans - Taba’ fool, a plate of falafel - Taba’ fa-laa-fil, We’d like a table for [four]. - Aaw-zeen tara-bey-za li [arba-Aa]., Ha-nis-tana kiteer? - Will we wait a long time?, Aan-dina Hagz - We have a reservation., kism bidoon ted-kheen - non-smoking section, aS-Haabee Ha-yo-saloo ‘oorayeeb - My friends will be here soon, soon - baAd shu-way-ya, in [ten] minutes. - baAd Aashar da-’aa-yi’., ray-7een fein ? - Where are we going?, baA-dayn - later, Where’s the restroom? - il-Ham-maam fayn?, momkin ni-shoof il-men-yoo min faDlak (faDlik)? - May we see the menu, please?, tin-saH-na bi-eh in-nahaar-da? - What do you recommend for us today?, feeh eh makh-SooS in-nahaar-da? - Are there any specials today?, fee eh na-baa-te? - Do you have any vegetarian food?, ena Ha-aakhud . . . - I’ll have . . ., ena Ha-aakhud Taba’ khoodar wh istakooza - I will have a plate of vegetables and lobster.,
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