AMINOACIDS - Chemical building block of proteins, NUTRIENT - Substance found in food that your body needs to grow, repair and produce energy, NUTRITION - The act of taking in food and using it for multiple purposes, MALNUTRITION - Severe shortage of one or multiple nutrient, PROTEINS - Macronutrient. They help your body heal, grow and develop., CARBOHYDRATES - Macronutrient. Your body’s main source of energy, FATS - Macronutrient. Your body uses them to build and maintain cell membranes, SATURATED - Type of fats that are usually solid at room temperature, UNSATURATED - Type of fats that remain liquid at room temperature, SUGARS - Simple carbohydrates, STARCHES - Complex carbohydrates, TRANS - We must avoid these types of fats because they increase the risk of heart disease, LDL - Known as bas cholesterol as it collects on the wall of arteries, HDL - Removes the bad cholesterol from arteries, WATER - It the most critical nutrient, MACRONUTRIENT - We need them in large quantities, MICRONUTRIENT - We need them in small quantities, CHOLESTEROL - It is a fatty substance found in the blood, FIBER - Type of complex carbohydrates that body cannot break it down or use it cannot break it down or use itcannot break it down or use it, DEHYDRATION - Lack of water in the body, VITAMINS - Compounds that help to regulate body processes, MINERALS - Substances the body uses to form healthy bones and teeth, keep blood healthy, and keep the heart and other organs working properly.,
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