to put together parts or people. - assemble, a couple who have recently gotten married - newlyweds, a noticeable similarity in appearance between two people. - striking resemblance, a family unit consisting of parents and their children. - nuclear family, someone you know, but not very well. - acquaintance, a person's child or children. - offspring, to confront someone and resolve a conflict or issue. - have it out with, to trust someone with personal information or feelings. - confide in, a person who is friends with two or more other people. - mutual friend, a family that takes care of a child temporarily when their own parents are unable to. - foster family, a child who does not receive enough attention, care, or love from their parents. - neglected, the male friend or relative who helps the groom at his wedding. - best man, a trait or characteristic that many members of a family share. - run in the family, to have an argument or disagreement with someone. - fall out, a person from whom one is descended, such as a grandparent or great-grandparent. - ancestor, a person's closest relatives, such as parents, siblings, and children. - immediate family, a person who you trust and share your secrets with. - close confidant, a child who has been given everything they want and behaves badly as a result. - spoilt, the period in a person's life between being a child and an adult. - adolescence, an argument or disagreement between people. - quarrel,

ZNO. Family. revision


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