1) When you were at school, were you usually the one p___ f___ a_ your classmates or was it the other way around? 2) Do you have any friends with whom you have many in-jokes and r___ g____s? Do you think that sharing a sense of humour is a prerequisite for a close relationship? 3) People are increasingly communicating through memes. Do you? What effect do you think this has on people? 4) They say that when someone makes an inappropriate joke (e.g. really sexist or racist), a s___ w__ to put them in their place is to pretend to be o___ and ask them to explain it to you. Have yoy ever tried doing so? 5) Do you think that sl_____ comedy, toilet humour and sexual i___ will ever go (or have gone) out of style? 6) When describing a friend, some people jokingly say that that friend should have c__ w___ a w___ l___. Do you think anyone would describe you in this way? 7) Have you ever thought of doing any standup comedy or improv? How can one h___ their sk___ in this field? What are some of your favourite comedians? 8) Some cultures (e.g. the Irish) pride themselves on their humour and say that it’s their way of dealing with life’s pl____ tw____s. What do people from your culture usually joke about? And are there any topics that should not be joked about?

Humour Discussion


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