Triggers: A There is a customer-provided statement of a SEND and the learner is identified as needing an iteration of support, A There is no official notification of an SEND, but the learner is identified as needing an iteration of support., Assess: The local SEND Lead supports the teacher to analyse the learner's needs. , Plan: With the local SEND Lead's support, and where appropriate by consultation and agreement with the customer, the teacher makes a learning plan for an iteration of support., The plan should match learning needs identified at the Assess stage to appropriate adjustments, strategies and support that will give the learner access to the course content., Length of Iteration of Support: Iterations can take place every 6 weeks, every term, or a cycle per lesson approach can be taken., Do: The plan is implemented and the learner works towards achieving the SMART learning outcomes. The Teacher remains responsible for the learning., Review: With the support of the SEND Lead and the input of the learner, the teacher evaluates the impact of the support iteration. , The aim is to assess what worked, what did not work, and how well learning outcomes were met., Decision: Possible Exit Point or Re-entry Point: Once the end of a support iteration has been reached, a subsequent iteration, if necessary, can be started.,

Graduated Approach



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