Virus - Non-living entity that infects cells, Bacteria - Tiny, single-celled living organisms , Pathogen - Any infectious agent , Patient Zero - The first animal (including humans) to obtain a disease, Incubation Time - The time between exposure to a disease and having symptoms , Symptomatic Carrier - A person or animal who carries a disease with symptoms, Asymptomatic Carrier - A person or animal who carries a disease without showing symptoms, Communicability - The ability of something to be communicated, Latent Period - The time between when you are exposed to a virus and when you can infect people, Susceptibility - The ability to be influenced or harmed by something, Immunity - The state of being impenetrable to an outside thing , Passive Immunity - The temporary immunity after obtaining antibodies, Acquired immunity - Immunity that occurs when someones immune system is exposed to a certain substance, Transmission - The process of being transmitted from one system to another, Quarantine - The process of staying away from people or things in order to keep others safe, Epidemiology - The study of distribution of health and disease, Genetic Predisposition - An increased likelihood of receiving a disease based on one's genetics, Antigen - Any substance that causes the body to make an immune response against that disease, Antibody - Being somewhat immune to a disease because of having previous exposure to it,

Adv. Science 10/15/24


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