What is the meaning of the word Hadith? - Tale, speech, chat, conversation, or communication, What is the difference between Hadith and Sunnah? - Hadith is the prophet saying and Sunnah is the Prophet action, What does Isnad mean? - Chain of narrators , What does Matn mean? - Text, Every Hadith has two important parts, what are they? - Isnad and Matn, What are the three main categories of Ahadith? - Sahih, Hasan, and Dha'if , What does Sahih mean? - The authentic Hadith, What does AlMutawatir mean? - A Hadith reported by a large number of people at different times, that makes it impossible for any falsehood to enter it., What does Al Mashhur mean? - popular, What does AlMawdu' mean? - The Fabricated,

The Hadith ( concept and classification)



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