1040 - The standard Internal Revenue Service (IRS) form that individuals can use to file their annual income tax returns, 1099 - Form that details all "non-employee" compensation, including for specific jobs like freelancers or contractors, Tax Bracket - A range of income amounts that are taxed at a particular rate, W-2 - Form that an employer must send to an employee and the IRS at the end of the year to report the employee's annual wages and taxes withheld from their paycheck, W-4 - A form completed by an employee to indicate his or her tax situation (exemptions, marital status, etc.) to the employer, who then withhold the corresponding amount of taxes from each paycheck, Withholding - The portion of an employee's wages that is not included in their paycheck because it goes directly to federal, state, and local taxes, I-9 - Form used by an employer to verify an employee's identity and to establish that the worker is eligible to accept employment in the United States, Filing Status - A category that defines the type of tax return an individual will use, primarily based on marital status; it also determines the size of your tax brackets and how much of your income is taxed at each rate, Exemption - The set amount of money, per dependent, you can subtract from your taxable income, Dependent - Someone you financially support who can be "claimed" on a tax return to reduce your taxable income and lower your taxes,

Tax Terms


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