I wear a uniform. I wear a white hat. I work in a restaurant. I cook food. (a chef), I wear a uniform. I help sick people. I work in a hospital. (a doctor), I wear a uniform. I work in a hospital. Usually I am a woman. I help doctors. ( a nurse), I move people around a city. I drive a taxi ( a taxi driver), I use marker or chalk. I have students. I give homework. (a teacher), I wear a uniform. I travel a lot. I don't afraid of hight. I fly planes. ( a pilot), I help people to fix toilets or bathtubs. (a plumber), I help people. People show me their teeth. Usually people are scared of me. (a dentist), I work in a beauty salon. I wash, dry and cut hair. I have scissors. (a hair-dresser), I am a sport star. I make a lot of money. I play for big clubs. I wear football boots. ( a football player), I work outdoors. I wear a helmet. I work with cement. I built houses. ( a builder), I wear a uniform. I usually have a gun. I catch bad people and thieves. I can arrest people and stop cars. ( a police officer), I wear a uniform. I have a big car. I am brave and not scared of fire. I put out fires. ( a firefighter), I wear a uniform. I pick up people. I drive a bus. ( a bus driver), I make videos on You Tube. I have a lot of followers. (a video blogger), I star in films. I play on stage. I can be anyone. I can be a superhero. (an actor), I work with people and food. I serve food and drinks. I work in a restaurant, but I can't cook. (a waiter), I play a lot of computer games. I can test a new game. I am good at computers. ( a gamer), I work in a studio. I have a lot of paints. You can buy my works in a gallery. ( an artist), I work with animals. I can help sick animals to feel better. ( a vet), I work outdoors. I have a tractor. I grow vegetables. I have cows and chickens too. (a farmer), I can help you to buy new clothes and shoes. I work in a shopping mall. (a shop assistant), I usually work in a lab. I do a lot of research. My favourite person is Albert Einstein. (scientist).
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