1) Find the two words where c gives the /s/ sound a) cinch b) culprit c) caption d) city e) calling f) cranky 2) Find the two words where g gives the "j" sound a) singe b) gallon c) gable d) apology e) grave f) gravel 3) Find the two words that give the /zhun/ sound a) television b) mansion c) tension d) vacation e) collision f) traction 4) Find the two contractions that are formed with the word "is" a) we're b) there's c) where's d) I'd e) you're f) he'll

7.1-7.5 Pac-Man


a(z) Labirintus egy nyílt végű sablon. Nem hoz létre pontszámokat egy ranglistán.

Vizuális stílus


Kapcsoló sablon

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