Homestead Act - An 1862 law passed to encourage settlement of the Great Plains. It granted 160 acres of p, Transcontinental Railroad - A railroad is one that crosses the continent. The first one built in the United States was completed in 1869., Assimilation - Adopting the culture of a dominant group, Gilded Age - A period from 1877 to about 1900 which was marked by industrial growth, great wealth for a few, massive immigration, urbanization, and political corruption., Free Enterprise - Economic system in which the government does not interfere with individuals involved in free enterprise., Entrepreneurs - People who create, manage, and assume the risks of starting a new business., Political Machines - A tightly run political operation that allows the head - called the boss - to control elections and government contracts within a state or city, Interstate Commerce Act - An 1887 law that created the Interstate Commerce Commission and gave it power to regulate railroads that operated across state lines,

Part 1 - Gilded Age (The Late 1800s)


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