Strategic Defense Initiative-called for orbiting battle stations in space that could ofire laser beam to vaporize intercontinental missiles upon takeoff, The 1980's, Leader of the Soviet Union that worked with Reagan to ease relations, Margaret Thatcher: Leader of Great Britain in the 1980's who formed a close relationship with President Reagan. , Agreement between the Soviet Union and US that ordered the destruction of a new class of missiles, first woman supreme court justice, 1 of 4 justices Reagan appointed during his presidency , Ronald Reagan, Speech that called out the Soviet Union to tear down the Berlin Wall, Members of the National Security Council diverted money from the illegal arm Iranian sales to the Contras, Reagan belief aka Limited Government (also wanted to reduce government spending), Reagans government was criticized for its lack of response to the epidemic, Reagans early views on the Soviet Union, Because Reagan rejected detente and wanted to eliminate communism he ramped up spending in this department, State where Reagans Acting Career took off and would eventually become the governor of, Part of the controversial War on Drugs campaign that was creative in response to the creation of "crack" and increased drug users in America. .

The Reagan Era


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