1763 - ____ and Proclamation line is drawn 1764 - ____ - reduces rates from earlier ____, BUT British attempts to enforce increase 1765 (1st) - ____ - first attempt to DIRECTLY tax colonies & use profits to pay war debt 1765 (2nd) - ____ founded in MA and some other colonies during the Stamp Act Crisis 1766 - ____ - British Parliament repeals Stamp Act 1767 - ____ - Taxes on imports of paper, paint, lead, glass, and tea 1768 - ____ (boycott) of products taxed under Townshend Acts begins 1770 - ____ - British troops stationed in Boston to enforce the Townshend Acts fire on Bostonians 1772 onward - ____ form in colonies to communicate w/ each other 1773 (1st) - ____ passed - Parliament tries to help the British East India Co. make $ by enacting a new tea tax 1773 (2nd) - ____ - Bostonians dump British East India Co. tea into the harbor 1774 (1st) - The ____ - Parliament punishes Boston by closing it's port & dismantling it's govt. and courts 1774 (2nd) - ____ - Delegates from 12 colonies meet to debate what to do about the situation in Boston 1775 (1st) - ____ - British troops & Bostonian militia clash - first shots of AR 1775 (2nd thing) - ____ - Delegates from all 13 colonies meet to discuss the state of war existing in MA 1775 (3rd thing) - ____ - the 2nd Continental Congress sends this last plea to the King to avoid war 1776 - ____ - Written by Jefferson & signed by the 2nd Continental Congress after the war is already underway

Road to Revolution - Chronology



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