Religion/Beliefs: BELIEF SYSTEM - a set of principles which form the basis of a religion, philosophy, or moral code, MORALS - standards of behavior about what is and is not acceptable (ex: always tell the truth; don’t steal), WORSHIP - (ex: prayer, music, dance), CELEBRATIONS AND CEREMONIES - weddings, funerals, first communion, bar/bat mitzvah, etc, PLACE OF WORSHIP - where people of the same beliefs practice together (church, synagogue, mosque, temple), GODS - Monotheism (Belief in ONE God) , Polytheism (Belief in MORE THAN ONE God), Environment: LOCATION - a particular place in the world, continent, country, state/province, city (ex: Kansas, center of US), LANDSCAPE AND PHYSICAL FEATURES - visible features of an area of countryside or land (ex: natural landscape is made up of collection of landforms, such as mountains, hills, plains, lakes, streams, and rivers), RESOURCES - natural resources (ex: coal, copper, gold, natural gas, etc.), Class System- Ranking based on:: MONEY - how much money you make (middle class, etc), OCCUPATION (JOBS) - (doctor, lawyer, teacher, custodian, plumber), RELIGIOUS IMPORTANCE - (ex: the Pope), FAMILY BACKGROUND - with whom you are related, Beliefs-a set of principles which form the basis of a religion, philosophy, or moral code, Innovations: Innovations, ACCOMPLISHMENTS - landing on the moon, vaccine for Polio, INVENTIONS - items that are created to make work/life easier (car, smartphone), FAMOUS PLACES/BUILDINGS - Statue of Liberty, Great Pyramid, DISCOVERIES - cures for disease, historical findings, space discoveries, TECHNOLOGY AND TOOLS, Political System: LAWS AND RULES- an established standard or guide, LEADERS - president, prime minister, pharaoh, king, class president, oldest sibling, etc., FORMS OF GOVERNMENT - democracy, republic, communism, etc., TAXES - the way the government collects money from its citizens to pay for things that the people need, RIGHTS/FREEDOMS - voting, freedom of speech, Economic System: MONEY SYSTEM - a system in which a government provides money in a country’s economy (dollars, pesos, euros), TRADE - what a civilization imports (brings in) and exports (sends out), JOBS - employment in a specific role in order to keep the society running (essential workers: teacher, grocery store workers, police officer, etc), TAXES - money collected from citizens used for things like roads, school, community needs,
6th Grade
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