Amendment 1 - 1791: Freedom of speech, religion, assembly, and press, Amendment 2 - 1791: Maintain a militia & to bear arms, Amendment 3 - 1791: Troops can't be put into private homes, Amendment 4 - 1791: Need a warrant and/or probable cause, Amendment 5 - 1791: Due process of those accused, double jeopardy, self-incrimination, seizure of property without compensation, Amendment 6 - 1791: Right to speedy & public trial by impartial jury, Amendment 7 - 1791: Right to jury trial in civil cases, Amendment 8 - 1791: No excessive bail and cruel and unusual punishment, Amendment 9 - 1791: Americans entitled to enjoy additional rights & freedoms not included, Amendment 10 - 1791: Powers not granted to federal government belong to the states and the people., Amendment 13 - 1865: Abolition of slavery, Amendment 14 - 1868: Granted citizenship to all persons born or naturalized in U.S., Amendment 15 - 1870: African American right to vote, Amendment 16 - 1913: Congress can levy an income tax, Amendment 17 - 1913: Senators elected by popular vote, Amendment 18 - 1919: Prohibition; manufacture, sale, and transportation of liquor illegal, Amendment 19 - 1920: Gave women the right to vote, Amendment 20 - 1933: Shortened time b/n a presidential election and inauguration, Amendment 21 - 1933: Repealed the 18th amendment, but permitted Congress to regulate liquor industry, Amendment 22 - 1951: Presidents limited to two full terms, Amendment 24 - 1964: Poll tax to vote is outlawed, Amendment 25 - 1967: Succession of president if they can't serve, Amendment 26 - 1971: Extended right to vote to 18-yr olds,
APUSH Must Know Amendments
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