Why do you think wealth and power is distributed unequally in different parts of the world?, Do you think that the environment or biology is a more important factor in shaping differences between human societies around the world?, What is a world zone?, What advantages did the Afro-Eurasian world zone have over others?, What were some of the disadvantages that the Australasian and Pacific world zones faced?, How do you think the domination of one region of the world over the others has influenced the world today?, Why did many leaders of agrarian civilizations choose conquest to pay their expenses rather than trying to raise money in lands they already controlled?, What are some examples of innovations in transportation and communication in this period (100 BCE - 1450 CE), and how did they speed up the process of interconnection and collective learning?, What factors made the Silk Roads possible?, What are some examples of goods, technologies, and ideas that spread along the Silk Roads?, What led to the decline of the Silk Roads?, Why do you think stable empires were necessary for trade to flourish?, What are Malthusian cycles, and why did they characterize the era of agrarian civilizations?, What are the rules of collective learning?, How did Europe’s position in the global economy change over time?, What were some of the features of Mongol society?, What was the effect of the Mongol Empire on trade?, What factors allowed the Mongols to build and maintain a vast empire?, What did the Mongols have to do with the Black Death?, What factors caused the Black Death to spread? Why was it so destructive?, What was the economic impact of the Black Death?, How did people at the time react to the Black Death?, How did the Mongols, the stability of Islam in Africa, and new technologies encourage long-distance travel?, What are the similarities and differences between the travels of Marco Polo, Ibn Battuta, and Zheng He, and what do they tell us about interconnections in Afro-Eurasia in this period (1200s-1400s)?.
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