Student-Centered: TDS viewed as partner with teachers to increase student achievement, Internalizing MC lessons is tool for moving students , Student work used to drive instruction. Summative data used to assess TEKS mastery, Focus on data/student work to assess progress. Collaboration between TDS/Teacher to make decisions., TDS partners with teachers to implement instruction based on TEKS, Teacher-Centered: TDS moves teachers towards implementing a set of instructional practices., Focus is on what teacher is, or is not, doing and addressing it through coaching., Summative data used to hold teachers accountable rather than tool for next steps., Practicing the use of Master Course lessons is the objective of coaching., TDS is viewed as person to hold teachers accountable to a certain set of practices., Relationship-Driven: TDS is viewed as a friendly source of support who provides resources when requested., Sharing curriculum resources is the primary focus., Data is rarely used., Focus on providing support that does not threaten or challenge teachers., TDS provides support and resources.,

Coaching Models



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