funnel - The cone-shaped tool you use to pour liquid into a small hole. The swirling winds of a tornado make the shape of _______., syringe - a medical instrument used to inject or withdraw fluids, tray - a flat dish or container that's used to carry or serve food or other objects., petri dish - a shallow round container used to culture bacteria usually made of glass, glove - a piece of clothing that you wear on your hand, to protect it or keep it warm., flask - a small container that holds a liquid. Most of them have a squarish body and a small neck for drinking or pouring., burner - a heater used in many laboratories., scalpel - a special kind of knife used by doctors, particularly surgeons., tube - a pipe shape, a cylinder with a hollow space inside., rack - a device meant to hold something, or several things., experiment - the testing of an idea, dissect - cut open or cut apart, dropper - pipet consisting of a small tube with a vacuum bulb at one end for drawing liquid in and releasing it a drop at a time, pipet - measuring instrument consisting of a graduated glass tube used to measure or transfer precise volumes of a liquid by drawing the liquid up into the tube, indicator - a device for showing the operating condition of some system, magnet - a piece of metal with a strong attraction to another metal object., magnifier - a scientific instrument that magnifies(makes bigger) an image, goggles - glasses that strap on to your head and cover your whole eye area, thermometer - a tool that measures temperature — how hot or cold something is., stethoscope - the device that doctors and nurses use to listen to your heartbeat, stopwatch - a timepiece that can be started or stopped for exact timing (as of a race), beaker - a glass container with a flat bottom that scientists use to hold liquids., microscope - a mechanical instrument that magnifies the image of small objects., slide - a small flat rectangular piece of glass on which specimens can be mounted for microscopic study,
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