True: Edge devices are those that collect and depend upon data for their operation., Management plane monitors traffic conditions and network status., SOAP request must be sent as a correctly formatted XML document, a REST request can be submitted as an HTTP operation/verb, The main difference between SOA and microservices is that SOA allows a service to be built from other services., CSP stands for a cloud service provider, TYPE 1 VMs are known as bare metal , Hosted Private cloud is hosted by a third-party for the exclusive use of the organization, XaaS is anything as a service, False: Fog nodes can not be incorporated as a data processing layer, Control plane—makes decisions about how traffic should be prioritized and secured, and where it should be switched., In SOA each service does not take defined inputs and produces defined, CASB stands for Cloud administration security Bank, API do no connect applications across the different websites and devices, Secrets Management is when a cloud service is not vulnerable to remote access., VM Sprawl is defined as a small amount of VMs on your network that is managed by an IT control system, TYPE 1 VMs are known are HOSTED OS systems, Private cloud is a service offered over the internet by a CSP to a cloud consumer, VDI refers to not using a VM as a means of provisioning corporate desktops.,
SEC 1 Day 3 Cloud Computing and Security
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