约会 - yuē huì - appointment, date, 约 - yuē - to make an appointment, 认识 - rènshi - to know (somebody); to recognize, 跟 - gēn - with, 快。。。了 - kuài....le - almost; about to be, 常常 - chángcháng - often, usually, 练习 - liàn xí - practice, to practise, 高兴 - gāoxìng -happy; pleased, 印象 - yìnxiàng - impression; image, 对。。。印象 - dui...yin xiang -the impression of, 成了 - chéng le -become, 演 - yǎn-to show (a film); to perform, 买得到 - mǎi dé dào- be able to buy (indicating the item is available), 费力气 - fèi lì qì -exert effort to do sth., 票 - piào - ticket, 买不到 - mǎi bú dào -unable to buy, 力气 - lìqi -strength; effort, 早 - zǎo - morning, early, 晚 - wǎn - late, 别人 - bié rén - other people, 俩 - liǎ - two, both, 。。以前 - yǐ qián - before, 。。以后 - yǐ hòu - after, 好极了 - hǎo jǐ le -extremely good, 请 - qǐng - please, treat, invite, 后天 - hòu tiān - day after tomorrow, 同 - tóng - same, together, 一言为定 - yì yán wéi dìng- that settles it; that's settled; it's decided, 同一个 - tóng yī gè the same one, 拒绝 - jù jué to refuse; to decline; to reject, 接受 - jiē shòu - to accept, receive, 邀请 - yāo qǐng - invitation, to invite, 请问 - qǐngwèn -May I ask...?, 哪位 - nǎ wèi - which one (person), 记得 - jìde- to remember, 生日舞会 - shēng rì wǔ huì- birthday party, 舞会 - wǔhuì - dance party; ball, 想起来 - xiǎng qi lai - to remember; to recall, 想不起来 - xiǎng bù qǐ lái -can't remember, 电话号码 - diàn huà hào mǎ - phone number, 告诉 - gào su - to tell, 有事 - yǒu shì- busy; occupied, 没事 - méishì - alright, 事情 - shì qing - thing, matter, affair, 空儿 - kòng(r) - free time, 周末 - zhōumò -weekend, 行 - xíng - all right, O.K., 不行 - bùxíng - not be allowed; won't do, 。。。完 - wán - complete, to finish, 从。。。到。。。 - cóng...dào -from...to..., 好好儿 - hǎohāor - Very good; extremely normal; In a proper way, ton one's heart/s content, 宿舍 - sùshè - dormitory, 得 - děi -must; to have to, 搬 - to move (bān), 打扫 - dǎ sǎo - to clean; to sweep, 整理 - zhěng lǐ - to arrange, tidy up, sort out, 房间 - fáng jiān - room, 旅行 - lǚxíng- to travel, 手机 - shǒujī - cell phone, 电 - diàn - electricity, 没电 - méi diàn -out of power, 交朋友 - jiāo péngyou - to make friends, 听音乐会 - tīng yīnyuèhuì-to go to a concert, 唱卡拉OK - chàng kǎlā'ōukēi -to sing karaoke, 参观 - cān guān - to visit, look around, 博物馆 - bó wù guǎn - museum, 野餐 - yěcān - picnic, 逛街 - guàng jiē -to go shopping; stroll around the street, 兜风 - dōu fēng - to go for a drive, 情人节 - qíng rén jié - Valentine's Day,

Lesson 16 Dating New


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