whip - to beat rapidly to incorporate air and increase volume, chop - to cut food into small pieces , cube - top cut into small squares, pare - to cut a very thin layer of peel from fruits or vegetables, cream - to beat until soft creamy and smooth , knead - to work dough by pressing and folding until it became smooth and elastic, sift - to put a dry ingredient through a fine sieve, mix - to combine two or more ingredients by beating or stirring , score - to make very thin, straight cuts in the surface of a food, such as ham, puree - to press food through a food mill or fine strainer to make it smooth and semi-liquid, Grease - to rub with fat or oil, Dilute - to add water to another liquid , Mince - to cut food into small possible pieces, chill - To cool a food to below room temperature in the refrigerator or freezer, or over ice, combine - to mix two or more ingredients together , stir - to mix ingredients gently in a circular motion , Grate - to rub food on a grater to make small particles , coat - to evenly cover food with crumbs,flour, or a batter , Marin ale - to soak in an acid-oil mixture , shred - to tear food into long , Aldente - '' To the tooth'' , a term to indicate paste is cooked just enough to keep a firm texture , Marble - To gently swirl one food into another, usually done with light and dark batters for cakes or cookies , Dash - A measure equal to 1/16 teaspoon , steam - To cook a food in the vapor given off by boiling water , sear - to brown a food , usually meat quickly on all sides using high heat to seal in the juices , preheat - to heat an oven or utensil to a temperature before using it , Blanch - To partially cook fruits ,vegetables , or nuts in boiling water or steam, snip - to cut food, often fresh herbs,dried fruit , with kitchen shears into very small , uniform peices using short , quick strokes , julienne - To cut food into think match-like sticks about two inches long , Garnish - To add visual appeal to a finished dish ,
cooking terms
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