9 girls - The ratio of boys to girls is 2:3. If there are 6 boys, how many are girls?, 2 boys - The ratio of boys to girls is 1:3. If there are 6 girls, how many are boys?, 24 children - The ratio of boys to girls is 1:3. If there are 18 girls, how many children are there in total?, 35 children - The ratio of boys to girls is 3:4. If there are 15 boys, how many children are there in total?, 40 girls - The ratio of boys to girls is 5:8. If there are 25 boys, how many are girls?, 30 boys - The ratio of boys to girls is 5:8. If there are 48 girls, how many are boys?, 104 children - The ratio of boys to girls is 3:10. If there are 24 boys, how many children are there in total?, 10 girls - The ratio of boys to girls is 1:2. If there are 5 boys, how many are girls?, 9 boys - The ratio of boys to girls is 1:3. If there are 27 girls, how many are boys?, 63 children - The ratio of boys to girls is 2:7. If there are 49 girls, how many children are there in total?, 21 children - The ratio of boys to girls is 2:5. If there are 6 boys, how many children are there in total?, 35 girls - The ratio of boys to girls is 4:5. If there are 28 boys, how many are girls?, 7 boys - The ratio of boys to girls is 1:10. If there are 70 girls, how many are boys?, 60 children - The ratio of boys to girls is 5:7. If there are 35 girls, how many children are there in total?, 15 girls - The ratio of boys to girls is 1:3. If there are 5 boys, how many are girls?, 5 boys - The ratio of boys to girls is 1:12. If there are 60 girls, how many are boys?, 27 children - The ratio of boys to girls is 1:2. If there are 18 girls, how many children are there in total?, 30 children - The ratio of boys to girls is 2:3. If there are 12 boys, how many children are there in total?,
Find the Match Ratio Problems
6th Grade
Tartalom szerkesztése
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és tegye nyílvánossá
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egy nyílt végű sablon. Nem hoz létre pontszámokat egy ranglistán.
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